Høst, Georg Hjersing

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Born 1734-4-8 in Vitten, died 1794-4-22 in Copenhagen - buried in Helliggejst. (BioLek III)

1752 - Student in Aarhus. (BioLek III)

1755 - Awarded cand.theol-degree. (BioLek III)

1760 - Hired by Afrikansk Kompagni as assistent - later vice-consul in Mogador. (BioLek III)

1779 - Published the book Efterretninger om Marokos og Fes, samlede der i Landene fra 1760 til 1768. Later published in German and perhaps in French. (BioLek III)

1791 - Published the book Den Marokanske Kajser Ben Abdallahs Historie og Efterretninger om Øen Sanct Thomas og dens Gouverneurer. optegnede der paa Landet fra 1769 indtil 1776. (BioLek III