Edinger, Wilhelm
Born in Copenhagen in 1659, died in Copenhagen 1733-7-4. (PHT 1930:50)
Father: Edinger, Johan Vilhelm (died 1667) (PHT 1930:48)
Mother: Kriech, Elisabeth (died 1704) (PHT 1930:48)
Son-in-laws: Friis, Johan Frederik and Lehn, Abraham
1686 - Married Michelbecker, Else Margrethe (1668-1720). They had 21 children! (PHT 1930:50)
1690 - Citizenship as merchant in Copenhagen. (PHT 1930:50)
Director of Ostindisk Kompagni. (PHT 1930:50)
1698 - Fuglekonge at Det kongelige københavnske Skydeselskab. (PHT 1930:50)
1707 - Took over his father-in-law Michelbecker, Wigants estate in Copenhagen, the later Prinsens Palæ. (PHT 1930:50)
1716 - Zar Peter the Great resided at his home. (PHT 1930:50)
1726-3-1 - Applied the king for permission to found Søassurancekompagniet in Copenhagen. (Thorsen: Sø-Assurance Kompagni 1726-1926:59)