Dorn, Mathias Wilhelm

From Business Encyclopedia of the Oldenburg Monarchy
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Born in Norway around 1783, died 1863-3-25. (Dansk Dem. Dat.)

1802-4-5 - Listed in the DAC Roll Books as 1st Volonteur onboard the DAC ship KRON PRINDSEN headed for Canton. (DAC Roll Books - RA)

1804-4-30 - Listed in the DAC Roll Books as 2nd Assistent onboard the DAC ship NORGE headed for Canton. (DAC Roll Books - RA)

1816 - Supercargo on the private ship NORDEN on a voyage to Trankebar 1816-17. (Dansk Dem. Dat.)

Later became Krigskancellisekretær. (Dansk Dem. Dat.)