Dahl, Peter
Also known as Peter Ibsen Dahl
Born 1747 in Norway in the parish of Fjære on the South Coast (Eliassen, 2006, 51). Died around 1795 (Larsen Ostindiske Personalia)
1770 - Naturalized as borger (skipper) on 2nd of April (Larsen Ostindiske Personalia)
1775 - Sailed as kaptajn on board the ship MINERVA to the East Indies on one of the first partikulær-skibe, i.e. privately funded ships to India (Larsen Ostindiske Personalia)
1777 - Arrived to Copenhagen from the return journey from India (Larsen Ostindiske Personalia)
1778-80 - Round trip to India (Larsen Ostindiske Personalia)
1782-84 - Round trip to India, where Peter Dahl was co-financing the journey as medreder. Kaptajn on the ship CHRISTIANSSTED (Larsen Ostindiske Personalia)