Reiersen, Niels Lunde
From Business Encyclopedia of the Oldenburg Monarchy
Revision as of 07:46, 13 January 2017 by Vibe Maria Martens (Talk | contribs)
Born in 1742-02-16. (Nyrop 1896:14) (Born in Copenhagen, according to Feldbæk 1994, 7)
Father: Reiersen, Peter, Bogholder at Det Kgl. Almindelige Handelsmagasin (Nyrop 1896:3)
Mother: Lunde, Anna Elisabet (Nyrop 1896:3)
1775 - Founded the trading House of de Coninck & Reiersen with Coninck, Frédéric de, which lasted until 1790.
1795-1798: eksekutorboe/ probate produced. In the probate it is clear that Reiersen owned several properties (Nysøe estate and land, Johnshoved estate and land, Oremandsgård estate and land, Høfdungshus estate and land, Lilliendahl estate and land, Bakkebølle town/villa (?) (Eksekutorskifteprotokol/NIels Lunde Reiersen)