Haaber, Otto Christian
Born 1736-12-31 in Helligaand Sogn in Copenhagen, died 1783-5-6 in Glostrup. (Private genealogy site)
Father: Haaber, Johan Joseph, organ player and bell-ringer. (Genealogy Forum)
Family friend and half-brother of father: Nissen, Hans Nicolai, Raadmand in Copenhagen and helped Otto and his siblings with education and jobs. (Genealogy Forum)
Brother: Haaber, Adam Gottlob (born 1756), navy officer and Freemason. (Ritzau: Zorobabel og Frederik 1882)
Brother: Haaber, Christian Lehmann, priest in Vallensbæk till 1779. (Slægt & Data)
1760 - Sekretær in Danske Kancelli. (Private genealogy site
1761-1-28 - Married Brasen, Johanne Marie (1745-1786) in Vor Frelser, daughter of former DAC supercargo Brasen, Sylvester. (Private genealogy site
1761-12-18 - Degree in law. (Private genealogy site)
1762 - Arkivar at Københavns Raadstue.(Private genealogy site)
1770 - Appointed Virkelig Kancelliraad.(Private genealogy site)
1777-1783 - Director of Asiatisk Kompagni (Hof&Stat)
1784 - Drowned himself after accusations of massive fraud for 674,000 rigsdaler in Asiatisk Kompagni. (Genealogy Forum)