Allewelt, Zacharias
From Business Encyclopedia of the Oldenburg Monarchy
Revision as of 06:20, 29 August 2018 by Vibe Maria Martens (Talk | contribs)
Born 1682 (Private genealogy site), died 1744 (Mackeprang & Clemmensen 1980).
Son: Allewelt, Andreas (Private genealogy site)
Distantly related to With, Jesper Pedersen. (Private genealogy site)
1733-35 - First mate on SLESWIG bound for China. (Mackeprang & Clemmensen 1980)
1736 - Captain on KONGEN AF DANMARK, bound for China. (Mackeprang & Clemmensen 1980)
1738 - Captain on KONGEN AF DANMARK, bound for China. (Gøbel speciale)
1740 - Captain on DRONNINGEN AF DANMARCK, bound for China. (Gøbel speciale)
1742 - Captain on DRONNINGEN AF DANMARCK, bound for China. (Gøbel speciale)