Elphinston, George
From Business Encyclopedia of the Oldenburg Monarchy
Born 1721 in Scotland, died 1777 in Copenhagen. (PHT 1936:23)
Wife: Fenwick, Louise (1745-1793)
Son: Elphinston, George 2
1740, before - Began as a sailor at Svenska Ostindiske Kompagniet. (Gl. Göteborg)
1753-56 - Captain at PRINS CARL of the Svenska Ostindiske Kompagniet on a voyage to Canton and Surat. (Gl. Göteborg)
1760-62: Supercargo & captain on the ship CRON PRINCEN AF DANNEMARK on its journey to Tranquebar and Bengal (Negotieprotokol, Skibet Cron Princen, 1760-62, Asiatisk Kompagni, box no. 869).
Followed Pheiff, Robert as Overekvipagemester at DAC until 1775. (Klem 1985, I:68)
1773-1775 - Director of Asiatisk Kompagni. (Hof&Stat)