Glad, Carl Frederik

From Business Encyclopedia of the Oldenburg Monarchy
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Born 1803. Grew up in Troense (Duvantier: L.C. Glad & Co, 1930:27) Died 1862-9-2 south of Iceland. (Duvantier: L.C. Glad & Co, 1930:49)

1820 - sailed to China on a Danish frigate. (Duvantier: L.C. Glad & Co, 1930:28)

1831 - Returned to Denmark as a captain - was in British service. (Duvantier: L.C. Glad & Co, 1930:28)

1837-5-26 - Bought the galeass AGNETHE of Svendborg, 29.5 cmcl. (Duvantier: L.C. Glad & Co, 1930:38)

1838 - captain of the frigate FREDERIK VI, previously a DAC-ship, now owned by Petersen, C.E. and Iversen, A.G.. (Duvantier: L.C. Glad & Co, 1930:32)

1839-7-23 - Returned to Copenhagen with his ship after a voyage to Drammen and Amsterdam carrying wood. (Duvantier: L.C. Glad & Co, 1930:32)

1839-9-21 - Married Kanneworff, Julie Albertine Nathalia in Garnisons Kirke, born 1820-11-28, daugther of Hosekræmmer Kanneworff, Lars. (Duvantier: L.C. Glad & Co, 1930:32)

1840 - FREDERIK VI sold to the merchant Owen, J.. (Duvantier: L.C. Glad & Co, 1930:38)

The family had a painting of FREDERIK VI, which was later owned by their descendant Generalkonsul C.F. Glad. (Duvantier: L.C. Glad & Co, 1930:40)