Vogelsang, Frantz Wilhelm
From Business Encyclopedia of the Oldenburg Monarchy
Born about 1790. (FT1834)
Perhaps related to Vogelsang, Frantz Wilhelm Otto? Perhaps his son? Or rather the son of Vogelsang, Henrich Christian?
Wife: Kierumgaard, Christiane Frederiche
Daugthers: Vogelsang. Sophie Wilhelmine Christense, born about 1822; Vogelsang, Fransisca Frederiche, born around 1833. (FT1834)
Sons: Vogelsang, Christian Joachim, born around 1825; Vogelsang, Johan Peter Albrecht, born about 1824 and Vogelsang, Otto Waldemar, born about 1830. (FT1834)
1834 - Pakhusforvalter. (FT1834) For the merchant House of Kirketerp & Sønner. (Den almindelige Enkekasse)