Kløcker, Abraham

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Born 1673 in Aalborg, died in 1730.

Father: Pallesen, Jens, mother: Kløcker, Helvig

Sons: Kløcker, Herman Lengerken and Kløcker, Johannes Lengerken (Halding 1969, p. 36)

Married Lengercken, Elisabeth von

1707 - Citizenship in Copenhagen as Kiøbmand. (Halding 1969, p. 34)

1715 - Praised by Bishop Worm along with Soelberg, Hans Jørgen for his involvement in Slavekassen. (Halding 1969, p. 34)

1715 onwards - Worked with the German merchant Pommer, Johann Jacob in Venice. The funds collected to Slavekassen was sent to Pommer via Hamburg and London, where he passed them on to the slave owners. (Ressel: Venice and the redemption of Northern European slaves, p. 5)

1719 - Married the widow Heerfordt, Johanne, also know as Madam Mangor. (Halding 1969, p. 34)

1723 - Main participant in West Indian-Guinean Company along with Soelberg, Hans Jørgen. (Halding 1969, p. 35)

1726-3-1 - Applied the king for permission to found Søassurancekompagniet in Copenhagen. (Thorsen: Sø-Assurance Kompagni 1726-1926:59)

1726-1728 - Part of the board of Sø-Assurance Kompagniet as ‘’Kommitteret ved policernes ekspedition”. Mentioned as Købmand. (Thorsen: Sø-Assurance Kompagni 1726-1926:523)

1730 - Invested 500 rigsdaler in the new Kinesiske Societet. (Halding 1969, p. 35)