Mudali, Renga

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Renga Mudali (also spelled Renga Midely/Mideli) (Spelling used here from Feldbæk 1969)

Indian "piece goods" merchant from which the Asiatic Company purchased Indian cottons, i.e. piece goods from (DNA: AK, Journal- og brevkopibog, Cron Princen af Dannemark, 1766 invoice) (DAC: AK, Faktoriet Tranquebar, Regnskabsjournal, 1778-1780) (Feldbæk, 1969, 23)

There are a large number of letters, communications etc. "from the company's merchant Renga Mudali" in the archives. One such example can be found in the following archive: DNA, Asiatisk Kompagni, Afdelingen i Trankebar, series 444: Tranquebarsk rapportbog 1695-1778, 1760-1765, no. 1298-1300. July 1762, pages 456-458.