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Create the page "Trading in Danish West Indies" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- 1771 - Bought 6 shares á 100 rigsdaler in a new free harbour project in Copenhagen. (Schovelin 1900, 2, p. 106) ...o send two ships to the West Indies immediately with aid after a hurricane in return for a rpize and freedom for taxes for the ships. (Schovelin, 1900, 2856 B (121 words) - 04:46, 11 January 2016
- 1752 onwards - sailed West Indiamen of [[Casse, Peter]] and [[Meyer, Hans]]. (Gøbel, 2014) 1779 - owned five West Indiamen: LAURENTIUS of 118 cmcl, CORNELIUS of 142.5 cmcl, HENRIETTE of 131800 B (106 words) - 12:23, 14 July 2015
- As a batchelor, he resided at Strandgade 26 in Copenhagen. (Gøbel, 2014) ...[[Category: Seaman]][[Category: Captain]][[Category:Trading in Danish West Indies]]366 B (47 words) - 12:27, 14 July 2015
- Citizenship in Copenhagen as captain. (Gøbel 2014) 1782-97 - Commanded a ship to the West Indies every year, a total of 16 voyages, first for [[Madtzen, Bertel]], then for388 B (56 words) - 03:35, 16 October 2015