Alling, Rasmus

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Born ?. Died June 1757 in Frederiksnagore (Larsen Ostindiske Personalia)


1753-55 - Travelled to China as overstyrmand on board the Asiatic Company ship Dronning Juliane Maria (Larsen Ostindiske Personalia)

1755 - Returned to Copenhagen, upon which he was appointed kaptajn on the Asiatic Company ship Kiøbenhavn, bound for Trankebar. He was reported as being a assiduous and truested, brave man (Larsen Ostindiske Personalia)

1756 - Øverstkommanderende on board the ship Kiøbenhavn bound for the Great Nicobar (Schlambelang), in order to move the Danish men there to another location (Nancouri/Noncouri/Nancowry), alongside Volquard, Tycho and Tanck, Jørgen Bartholomæus. Alling also brought four assistenter, four håndværkere, six matroser, one underofficer, 16 of the company's soldiers, some of whom were to replace Tanner, Albrecht WIlhelm as well as missionarius Poltzenhagen Poltzenhagen, David (Møller 1797; Larsen Ostindiske Personalia)

1757 - Concluded a trade treaty with the King of Atchin regarding a delivery of weapons, and hereby gained the rights to establish a loge/faktori, whilst at the same time excluding the Dutch. The results of the treaty fell short of expectations (Larsen Ostindiske Personalia)

1757 - Sent to Bengal, Frederiksnagore (Larsen Ostindiske Personalia)